Presentation to the “Future of Law Summit” – Nov 2016
Gary was an invited expert presenter at the Future of Law Summit organised by Thompson Reuters on 22 November 2016, at the Langham Hotel
Gary presented on the topic “Regulatory Insight: AML/CFT – Changes ahead” and also joined the Leaders Panel to wrap up observations on “adjusting to the new normal”. Among many IT and Regulatory predictions, perhaps the prize for the best conclusion was that when Artificial Intelligence jury trials commence, if ever one’s been naughty they should ask for the human jury, but if innocent go for the AI every time!
The release of the Ministry of Justice’s consultation paper on the AML/CFT Act 2009 confirms that phase two will bring lawyers (among others) into the compliance regime, including new obligations around risk assessments, staff training and vetting, documented compliance processes and transaction monitoring. Join our experts to discuss the practical consequences for lawyers, the likely implementation timetable and strategies to use AML/CFT compliance as an opportunity to manage reputational risks and to improve your law firm’s efficiency and profitability.
Moderator: Nathan Lynch, Head Regulatory Analyst Australia & New Zealand, Thomson Reuters
Gary Hughes, Barrister, Akarana Chambers
Lloyd Kavanagh, Partner & Board Member, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
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