Location, Location … Motivated Seller … dream kitchen … investment portfolio opportunity …
have we got a deal for you 🏘 etc. 🏣 etc.
Delighted to work with expert editors Profs Louis DeKoker and Doron Goldbarsht on this compilation of scholarly essays:
Financial Crime, Law and Governance
Navigating Challenges in Different Contexts
An edited collection of great essays, including one by Gary:
Money Laundering Through Real Estate
– Why, and How, New Zealand has Sought to Regulate It
It has been published late 2024 on SpringerLink – the online content platform, for worldwide access to various publications, part of the textbook series: Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice
Published in good time for Australia’s Tranche 2 Amendment Bill now passed through the Federal Parliament – a helpful resource on the issues and the risks, as Australian real estate agents gear up this year to become compliant with AML-CTF regulation for the first time.
Property is such a big, routine, normalised investment and asset class across Australia & NZ, this makes it a key placement channel for the criminally-minded as for the majority dealing in legitimate realty conveyancing.
You only need to glance at Criminal Proceeds Recovery restraints/statistics, or popular investigative journalists reports to get a sense of the importance of this sector.
Real Estate markets are just one of the significant financial crime contexts explored in the collection of essays in this book by other expert co-authors. Crypto and blockchain risks, environmental crime, NFTs, the Wirecard payments fraud, asset recovery and de-banking problems, there’s a lot to dive into.
You can see a sneak preview of Gary’s Real Estate chapter here:
Extract for Springer book 2024 G HUGHES Chapter Financial Crime, Law and Governance
And purchase full access from Springer publishing house here:
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